From our Blog
Following the closure of The Rocking Chair in December 2019, after 20 years of furniture retail in Swansea, I decided to do something I loved!
I was once in a Business Club breakfast meeting and something was said that stuck with me.
"Retire from the things you dislike"
Its such a easy statement to make but few of us have the privilege to be able to do such a thing, what with the needs of paying bills, mortgages, and simple putting food on the table. But as the regrettable and frankly painful decision to close The Rocking Chair had to be made, I decided to make it a positive step in my life.
In January 2020, I opened Better Days Restoration Ltd, a company that allows me to carry out the thing I love in life, mainly, the repair and restoration of antiques, up cycling of old quality furniture with new lacquer or a fresh coat of paint, and the spray painting and up grading of kitchens.
I had been doing this in the workshop at the rear of The Rocking Chair for about 15 years, and now I have a workshop I share with a fellow artisan carrying out the manufacture of furniture for the London market, fitted bedrooms and fitted bookcases and other furniture.
Although this is what gets me out of bed every morning, it sometimes does not pay the bills as my desire to restore items to there original state sometimes takes over and I may spend 10 hrs more that I have priced wanting to do a job that gives me such personal satisfaction.
To this end I have maintained the web site selling quality furniture delivered direct to you door, there is a diverse range of both oak and painted furniture, currently the furniture can only be delivered, but I am hoping to be able to supply a full 2 man white glove service allowing you to chose delivery or delivery and assembly.
I hope you enjoy my website and hope that my long standing customers, many who have become friends of the last 20 years, some of there children purchasing furniture to "complete" there set when moving out and taking furniture when setting up there own homes, something that I gained a huge feeling of belonging, also find that they can still purchase the same quality furniture in a easy no nonsense way.
May I thank you all for reading my simple story and hope you find something you like enough to trust me with supplying it to you.
Humbly yours